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Memento Mori

Image Making


The Fishman > Illustration > Digital > Spread | Vignette | A5 >

The Fishman


x5 Elements

This book was created as part of the Complex Typography Design course at Bezalel Academy, under the guidance of Dana Gez.

The book explores the theme of Twinship and is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the harmonious and dual aspects of twinning, while the other delves into the odd and hybrid nature of the subject.

{ Research } At the beginning of the project, I focused on gathering information and texts from various fields, such as psychology, science and history, as well as interviews and indexical lists related to the topic of twins.
The texts came together to create a diverse collection, offering wide range of perspectives on the subject. 

As I read through the texts, I noticed the views regarding twins has  two different schools of thought. One view sees twins as a single, unified entity, while the other perceives them as separate and conflicting beings. This tension can be observed across various sources, such as creation myths that depict twins. At times, they are portrayed as complementary forces, and at other times as opposing and competing powers.

{ Layout } The book is composed of ▸ two separate books joined at their back, creating a single volume with two opening directions. ▸ The first part of the book views the harmonious approaches to twinning, characterized by delicate typography that aims for unity.
In contrast, ▸ the second part that deal’s with the hybrid approaches addresses the unnatural connection between the two parts of twinning. The typographic characterization of this part was inspired by the 19th-century Freak-shows in the United States and Europe. This created rougher and bolder look for the typography and the over-all ascetics.
While each part of the book contains texts with different approaches, there are  points of intersection between the books, as expressed in the footnotes - that guide the reader back and forth between the parts, creating an additional layer of reading and interpretation.

{ Design } The book is primarily  typographically based, except for the last part of each section, which features sequences of images of various types of twins. Each part of the book is characterized by a distinct graphic and typographic system, as well as a leading color that helps differentiate it.

{ Production } The book's cover was produced using ▸ Risograph printing, which gave a grainy look to the images. The interior of the book was printed using ▸ Indigo print in three colors.


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